The recent preview builds of Google Chrome on the Canary test channel have unveiled a version specifically tailored for Arm-based computers running Windows 11. This move by Google signals a departure from its previous stance of not supporting these processors in the Windows environment.
Arm vs. x86 Performance: Bridging the Gap
While Microsoft has long championed an Arm version of its Chromium-based Edge browser, Google’s Chrome for Windows has lagged behind, leaving users with Qualcomm Snapdragon chips to rely on emulators with compromised performance. The difference between the Arm version of Edge and the standard x86 version of Chrome on an Arm-based Windows machine is noteworthy, with the former running at optimal speed comparable to x86 processors, while the latter exhibits noticeable sluggishness.
Google’s Support for Arm: Chromebooks vs. Windows
Interestingly, Google has a history of supporting Arm processors on Chromebooks, and there exists a version of ChromeOS specifically optimized for Qualcomm chips. In contrast, Google’s hesitancy to extend this support to Windows has left users in a performance disparity, especially on devices powered by the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon chips.
Windows Laptops’ Future: The Role of Google Chrome
As we look ahead to 2024 and beyond, Qualcomm aims to outpace industry giants like Apple, Intel, and AMD, with the possibility of NVIDIA and AMD releasing Arm processors in 2025. Google’s active participation in this evolving landscape could play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Windows laptops, notes NIX Solutions.
In conclusion, the advent of Google Chrome for Arm-based Windows 11 devices may mark a significant turning point in the compatibility and performance of popular browsers on emerging processor architectures. The collaboration between Google and Windows could redefine user experiences on diverse computing devices.