The Brave browser, known for its enhanced privacy features, now includes an AI chatbot named Leo. Leo, the intelligent assistant, initially underwent testing three months ago in the browser’s nightly builds on the early access channel. With the release of Brave 1.60, Leo has become a standard feature for all desktop version users.
Key Features of Leo
Leo offers a range of valuable features, including real-time web page and video summaries, page translations, problem-solving assistance, and more. Users can also simply ask Leo questions.
Respecting User Privacy
Leo operates while respecting user privacy by routing all requests through an anonymized server. Dialogues are not stored as replies are immediately deleted. No login or account is required to use Leo.
Brave CTO and co-founder Brian Bondy emphasized the importance of privacy in this new development. He stated, “Today, artificial intelligence is increasingly used for assistance, but it raises concerns about data privacy. Brave is committed to a privacy-first solution, combining AI with user privacy for secure and personalized online assistance.”
Leo Premium Option
For those seeking additional functionality, Leo Premium is available at $15 per month. This paid version grants access to larger language models and Anthropic’s Claude Instant, described as a “lighter model suitable for reasoning and coding.” Paid users enjoy benefits such as higher speed limits, improved conversations, priority queuing during peak times, and early access to new features and updates, notes NIX Solutions.
Privacy Assurance
Users concerned about privacy can be assured that Brave utilizes tokens, making it impossible to correlate browser usage with a subscription purchase.
In summary, Brave’s AI chatbot Leo enhances user experience while preserving data privacy, offering both free and premium options to cater to individual preferences.